Category: Ako | Learn

My video

Hey guys today im going to show you a video that me and my freinds worked really hard on, we all didn’t edit this because this is my edit so its probubly nothing like there work.

If you want to see there edits compared to mine here are there names check out Hibiscus, Havana and Lavinas blog if you want to see there video soo here’s mine,

also I did this for the film festival and the winning video gets there movie casted on the st lukes movie theater!!! I think the bigist challenge I had in my video was the audio because whatever I did the audio just couldnt stay so I had to take away some things from my video

top tip dont click FINSH because I clicked finsh to early on a video I made before my latest so I couldnt post my latest which was soo much better.

How did your video go??? and what are some top tips that you have for me.

hope you enjoy it 🙂


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